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Academician Xu Ningsheng, Professor Qu Lianghu, Professor Song Erwei and Professor Yan Tiebin awarded the 5th National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers

Last updated:2013-08-29

According to the “Decision on Commending the 5th National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers” (CAST [2012] No. 43) released by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Academician Xu Ningsheng (recommended by Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology), Professor Qu Lianghu of School of Life Sciences and Professor Song Erwei of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital (recommended by Sun Yat-sen University), Professor Yan Tiebin of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital (recommended by Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine) were awarded the title of the 5th “National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers”. In addition, Academician Xu Ningsheng was nominated for “Top Ten National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers”.

It is learned that the selection of “National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers” is organized by CAST with the aim to commend those who have made outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of science and technology. Since 2010, the selection activity has been held every two years with the number of awardees within 1,000 each time. The recipient can only be awarded the title once, therefore, it is a lifetime honor.

(From Sun Yat-Sen University's official website : Click to the source)


Brief Introduction of Prof. Song Erwei

Prof. Song Erwei is vice president of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, and the academic leader of Breast Cancer Center of Sun Yat-sen Memorial hospital. He focuses his research on non-coding RNA and diseases, mainly on breast cancers. During his postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School, his publication “RNA interference targeting Fas protects mice from fulminant hepatitis” in Nature Medicine as first author was the first report that siRNAs could be used therapeutically in whole animal disease model. After setting up his lab at Sun-Yat-Sen University in China, his work demonstrates the important roles of multiple microRNAs in regulating breast cancer biology, including stem-cell like feature, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, invasiveness, metastasis and therapeutic sensitivity, etc., which are related to breast cancer progression and treatment response in clinics. He also studies the impact of inflammatory microenvironment on non-coding RNA expression and function in breast cancer cells, and he has identified a novel functional receptor for macrophage specific CCL18 that plays an important role in promoting breast cancer metastasis. To further harness small non-coding RNA as a therapeutic weapon, he exploited antibody and nanoparticle mediated strategies to deliver siRNAs into specific subtypes of cancer cells in vivo. He has published 56 peer reviewed papers with 38 as first or corresponding author, including CellCancer Cell, Nature Medicine, Nature Biotechnology, Science Translational Medicine, PNAS, Blood, Cancer Research, Oncogene, Clinical Cancer Research, Journal of Biological Chemistry, ACS Nano, etc.

( Click for more information of Prof. Song Erwei)


Brief Introduction of Prof. Yan Tiebin

Professor Yan Tiebin is a PhD graduate from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the professor of the Rehabilitation Medical Department in Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital. He is the board member of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM), and focuses on the rehabilitation therapies of nerve diseases, bone and joint injuries, and other sports injuries, such as stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury, neck and shoulder pain, pain in lower extremities and waist, Encephala paralysis, etc. He is among the first doctors in China who started the electrical muscle stimulation therapy to treat neurological disorders, which was later promoted and studied on in both international and national academic platforms. Prof. Yan Tiebin’s works in the field won the second runner-up awards of the Technological Development Competitions of Guangzhou city and Guangdong Province respectively. He also started the clinical evaluation and research of balance functions in China. His studies about balance functions were included in the national clinical teaching manual named Rehabilitation Medicine. Besides taking the lead in botulinum toxin therapy, Prof. Yan Tiebin plays an active role in applying new medical techniques such as the clinical application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation device, treatment of spinal cord injury and urinary incontinence, and spinal decompression therapy.

(Click for more information of Prof. Yan Tiebin)