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Professor Fu Zuzhi Honored with Endocrinology Lifetime Achievement Award

Last updated:2013-09-05

The 8th International Huaxia Congresses of Endocrinology (IHCE)-12th National Endocrinology Congress of Chinese Medical Association was held in Xi’An, China from August 22 to 25, 2013. Professor Fu Zuzhi from Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, was honored with the Endocrinology Lifetime Achievement Award during the congresses. There are five other professors receiving the award, among whom is Professor Yu Binjie from the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University.

As one of the first doctors in China to start research on mutant insulin , Professor Fu Zuzhi helps promote the molecular studies of diabetes and further the understanding of mutant insulin as one of the causes of diabetes. He has dedicated himself to the prevention of diabetes complications and tutored graduate students to conduct researches on lipid metabolism in diabetes, relations of thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin, as well as diabetic nephropathy. Working on Chinese obesities at International Life Science Society, professor Fu Zuzhi also plays a pioneering role in carrying out the cDNA cloning of Chinese obese gene, the sequence analysis and prokaryotic gene expression related to human obesity.

Professor Fu Zuzhi began his professional career of endocrinology and metabolism studies in 1964 and continued his education at University of Michigan from 1982 to 1984. He managed to clone the obese gene and led a professional team to combat obesity since the early years of the People’s Republic of China. For the past decades, he undertook numerous research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Health Funds, the Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China, and the Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. Moreover, Professor Fu Zuzhi constantly delivers speeches at international academic conferences and exerts a profound impact on the endocrinology studies globally.

As the former vice president of Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital and former vice principal of Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, professor Fu Zuzhi continues to work at the clinical frontline at the hospital and nurtures generations of medical professional in the field of endocrinology with dedication and integrity. His works are recognized as great contributions to the endocrinology studies in not only Guangdong Province but also the whole nation.