
医学研究中心研究员、博士生导师,中山大学百人计划引进人才,论文润色小组组长及学术规范办公室成员。研究利用多种生物响应型纳米给药系统靶向调节肿瘤微环境用于肿瘤免疫治疗。负责High-level Talent Special Funding Scheme of Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital、国家自然科学基金面上项目、The Research Fund for International Young Scientists、国家自然青年科学基金项目等多个课题项目,获批三个三工程青年拔尖人才、中山大学优秀青年教师培育等项目。围绕高分子纳米材料肿瘤靶向治疗方向在 Cancer Cell (IF 26.602), Advanced Materials (IF 27.398), ACS Nano (IF 14.588),Nano Letters (IF 11.238), AngewandteChemie International Edition (IF 12.959), Theranostics (IF 8.579), Biomaterials (IF 10.317), Journal of Controlled Release (IF 7.727)等国际 SCI 期刊发表论文51篇(其中第一作者或通讯作者发表论文共26篇)。授权/受理权利 3 项(韩国专利 2 项,国际专利 1 项),专利申请受理项目3项(中国专利3项)。发表 ACS Nano研究论文入选月最高阅读 10 篇论文之一;发表Theranostics研究论文被 Radiology Newsletter 评为韩国年度最佳 4 篇论文之一;研究成果被 Nature Middle East, Cell Therapy News 以及 Prostate Cell News 等专题报道。



  1. Li X, Liang S, Tan CH, Cao S, Xu X, Saw PE#, Tao W. Nanocarriers in the Enhancement of Therapeutic Efficacy of Natural Drugs. BIO Integration. DOI:10.15212/bioi-2020-0040. (影响因子:-)
  2. Saw PE, Xu X, Kang BR, Lee J, Lee YS, Kim C, Kim S, Kang SH, Na JY, Moon HJ, Kim JH, Park YK, Yoon W, Kim JH, Kwon TH, Choi C, Jon S, Chong K. Extra-domain B of fibronectin as an alternative target for drug delivery and a cancer diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for malignant glioma. Theranostics. 2021; 11(2): 941-957. (影响因子: 8.579)
  3. Xu Y, Jiang Q, Liu H, Xiao X, Yang D, Saw PE# and Luo B. DHX37 Impacts Prognosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Lung Adenocarcinoma through Immune Infiltration. Journal of Immunology Research. doi.org/10.1155/2020/8835393 (影响因子:3.327)
  4. Chen Z, Lin C, Song B, Li C, Qiu J, Li S, Lin S, Luo W, Fu Y, Fang G, Li W, Saw PE#, Ding Y. Spermidine activates RIP1 deubiquitination to inhibit TNF-α-induced NF-κB/p65 signaling pathway in osteoarthritis. Cell Death and Disease. 2020 Jul 6;11(7):503. (影响因子: 6.304)
  5. Cao S, Liu X, Li X, Lin C, Zhang W, Tan CH, Liang S, Luo B, Xu X, Saw PE. Shape matters: comprehensive analysis of star-shaped lipid nanoparticles. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2020 Apr 30;11:539. (影响因子: 4.225)
  6. Saw PE, Xu X, Chen J, Song E. Non-coding RNA: the new central dogma of cancer biology. Science China Life Sciences. 2021 Jan;64(1):22-50. (影响因子: 4.611)
  7. Saw PE, Xu X, Zhang M, Cao S, Farokhzad OC, Wu J. Nanostructure Engineering by Simple Tuning of Lipid Combinations. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2020 Apr 6;59(15):6249-6252. (影响因子: 12.959)
  8. Saw PE, Yao H, Lin C, Tao W, Farokhzad O, Xu X. Stimuli-Responsive Polymer-Prodrug Hybrid Nanoplatform for Multistage siRNA Delivery and Combination Cancer Therapy. Nano Letters. 2019 Sep 11;19(9):5967-5974. (影响因子: 11.238)
  9. Saw PE, Song E. Phage Display Technique for Tumor-targeting High Affinity Peptide Identification. Protein & Cell. 2019 Nov;10(11):787-807 (影响因子: 10.164)
  10. Li S, Saw PE*, Lin C, Nie Y, Tao W, Farokhzad OC, Zhang L, Xu X. Redox-responsive polyprodrug nanoparticles for targeted siRNA delivery and synergistic liver cancer therapy. Biomaterials. 2020 Mar;234:119760. (影响因子: 10.317)