


主要从事RNA调控乳腺癌发生发展机制研究。到目前为止以第一或者通讯作者的身份发表SCI收录论文15篇,包括Cell(IF:64.5),PNAS(IF:11.1),Nucleic Acids Research(IF:14.9),Nature Communications(16.6),Genome Biology(IF:12.3,封面文章)等高水平专业杂志,以共同作者身份在国际顶级杂志Cell(IF:64.5)、Nature Biotechnology(IF:46.9)等发表13篇研究论文。研究受到了10项省部级以上RNA相关基金资助,包括5项国家自然科学基金。




  1. Y Lu*, Q Zhao*, J. Y. Liao*(共同第一), E Song, Q Xia, J Pan, Y Li, J Li, B Zhou, Y Ye, C Di, S Yu, Y Zeng, S Su # Complement Signals Determine Opposite Effects of B Cells in Chemotherapy-Induced Immunity, Cell (2020), 180, 1–17(IF:64.5)
  2. J. Y., Liao, *# (共同通讯), B., Yang*,Y. C., Zhang*, D. C., Lin#, D., Yin#, EuRBPDB: a comprehensive resource for annotation, functional and oncological investigation of eukaryotic RNA binding proteins (RBPs). Nucleic Acids Res (2019) , gkz823. (IF:11.147)
  3. J. Y., Liao, Y. H. Guo, L. L. Zheng, Y. Li, W. L. Xu, Y. C. Zhang, H. Zhou, Z. R. Lun, F. J. Ayala and L. H. Qu (2014). "Both endo-siRNAs and tRNA-derived small RNAs are involved in the differentiation of primitive eukaryote Giardia lamblia." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(39): 14159-14164.(IF:11.1)
  4. Liu X, Ye Y, Zhu L, Xiao X, Zhou B, Gu Y, Si H, Liang H, Liu M, Li J, Jiang Q, Li J, Yu S, Ma R, Su S, J. Y., Liao*(共同通讯), Zhao Q: Niche stiffness sustains cancer stemness via TAZ and NANOG phase separation. Nat Commun 2023, 14:238.(IF:16.6)
  5. Zhang, Y. C.*, J. Y., Liao*(共同第一), Z. Y. Li, Y. Yu, J. P. Zhang, Q. F. Li, L. H. Qu, W. S. Shu and Y. Q. Chen (2014). "Genome-wide screening and functional analysis identify a large number of long noncoding RNAs involved in the sexual reproduction of rice." Genome Biol 15(12): 512.(封面文章)(IF:12.3,引用465次)
  6. J. Y. Liao, J. Wu, Y. J. Wang, J. H. He, W. X. Deng, K. Hu, Y. C. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Yan, D. L. Wang, Q. Liu, M. S. Zeng, H. Phillip Koeffler, E. Song and D. Yin (2017). "Deep sequencing reveals a global reprogramming of lncRNA transcriptome during EMT." Biochim Biophys Acta 1864(10): 1703-1713. (IF:5.1)
  7. Wang YJ, Yang B, Lai Q, Shi JF, Peng JY, Zhang Y, Hu KS, LiYQ, Peng JW, Yang ZZ, Li YT, Pan Y, Koeffler HP, J. Y. Liao# (共同通讯), Yin D: Reprogramming of m(6)A epitranscriptome iscrucial for shaping of transcriptome and proteome in response to hypoxia. RNA Biol 2020:1-13.(IF:5.35)
  8. J. Y. Liao, L. M. Ma, Y. H. Guo, Y. C. Zhang, H. Zhou, P. Shao, Y. Q. Chen and L. H. Qu (2010). "Deep sequencing of human nuclear and cytoplasmic small RNAs reveals an unexpectedly complex subcellular distribution of miRNAs and tRNA 3' trailers." PLoS One 5(5): e10563. (IF:3.7,引用314次)
  9. Li, Y. T., N. Zhou, W. X. Deng, X. Z. Zeng, X. J. Wang, J. W. Peng, B. Yang, Y. J. Wang, J. Y. Liao#  (共同通讯)and D. Yin# (2019). "CIRDES: an efficient genome-wide method for in vivo RNA-RNA interactome analysis."Analyst. (封面文章)(IF:4.2)
  10. Zhao Q, Liu J, Deng H, Ma R, Liao JY, Liang H, Hu J, Li J,Guo Z, Cai J, Xu X, Gao Z, Su S: Targeting Mitochondria-Located circRNA SCAR Alleviates NASH via Reducing mROS Output.Cell 2020, 183:76-93 e22.(IF:64.5)
  1. mROS Output.Cell 2020, 183:76-93 e22.(IF:36.216)